101 Podcast Topic Ideas to Wow Your Audience
These 101 podcast topic ideas will give you something to talk about. You are sure to find an attentive audience with one or more of these winning topic ideas.
Blogs are so popular nowadays that you may be wondering whether you should start a blog too. If you have something that you are passionate about and like to write, or want to create a blog that you can monetize for extra money, you may want to consider doing so. Below is a list of 96 blog niche ideas you may have never considered.
A blog is an online journal or portal of written posts surrounding a particular topic. They may include posts from one or more authors.
Most blogs fall into a niche market and cater to a particular audience, but if you choose to have a personal blog you can write about whatever you like. If you want to start a blogging business pay attention because you will need a blog niche that you can monetize with affiliate marketing and ads.
If you are new to blogging you may be wondering, “what is a niche?” A niche is a topic that is centered around a common theme. A blog niche idea can be one that would include a lot of people or one that only includes a small number of people.
The smaller niches are often categorized as sub-niches. For example, dog lovers are in a niche that includes people who love dogs, while people who love small dogs are a sub-niche. People who love small dogs that are pure breeds are an even smaller sub-niche.
As you can imagine, the more you “niche down” or get more specific, the fewer people you will have in your audience. The goal is to find one of the blog niche ideas with enough people who will be interested in your topic, but not too many, and not too few.
Below is a list of blog niche ideas that you can use to jump-start your new blog! Starting a new blog in 2021 may seem like a daunting task, especially when there seem to be so many. Don’t think of it that way. If you can create a blog around a less common niche, you can avoid the worry of having to compete with as many bloggers.
Of course, you want to make sure your idea has an audience willing to consume your content, but if you do a little research around your topic, it won’t be hard to find out whether you will have people looking for your amazing content.
A simple search in Google Trends can show you right away whether there is any interest at all in a particular topic. More specific keyword research will be needed to guide you towards blog post ideas, but a basic search can help you find an overarching theme.
If you have a hobby or area of interest that you would love to write about, this would be a great place to start. Writing about things we are passionate about is way easier than writing about things we know or care nothing about.
Take a look at the list below.
There are 18 blog niche ideas and 96 sub-niches below. You can even combine two or more for a more focused or unique audience. For example, you could combine a blog niche including doctors with a niche including people who love to play golf. That combination would give you a more unique sub-niche. Try it yourself and see what you come up with!
Download This List of Blog Niche Ideas in a Convenient PDF.
The animal niche or pet niche alone would be a very broad blog niche, but the animal lovers niche gives you so many possibilities. Think of any animal and there are likely people out that there who would like to read about it in your animal blog.
The sports niche is another blog niche idea that is very broad without narrowing it down but it can be done. You will never run out of content, that’s for sure!
Under the music blog niche think of a blog that discusses new music, gives reviews, or interviews musicians. If you love music yourself a music blog could be a fun one to take on.
Many people are passionate about their hobbies. A blog that discusses a popular hobby could not only be profitable if you decided to monetize it, but it can be fun if you write about a hobby that interests you.
A blog for professionals could discuss requirements for entry, ways to find jobs in a particular field, etc. A blog for professionals could provide a lot of value for people searching for a career or anyone looking to advance in a field.
A relationship blog could talk about the aspects and dynamics of different relationships. You could make it humorous or serious, depending on what types of topics you choose to tackle.
How much fun would it be to write about different tv shows, movies, and books? Well, this may or may not be your cup of tea but there are people out there who love this type of thing. This is one of those blog niche ideas where you could give them more of what they love with a blog about entertainment.
Writing about religion and spirituality can be a great way to provide value to anyone searching for another perspective on different topics or a deeper dive into a particular topic. Blog niche ideas like this can offer to educate or entertain.
There are lots of potential readers if you wanted to write about horoscopes, the zodiac, or astrology in general. You could focus on one astrological sign or cover them all.
Technology is always one of the most popular blog niche ideas and can be as broad or specific as you like. You could focus on gaming in general or niche down to one particular game. If you are also thinking of starting a Youtube channel a tech blog could be a great addition.
A diet blog that talks about diet or nutrition would have a lot of competition because it’s a popular topic. You may be interested in focusing on a smaller sub-niche like veganism or the keto diet.
The fitness niche is also very competitive niche and as a beginner, I would suggest you focus on a sub-niche like yoga for women over 40 or pilates for new moms. This way you will still have a large audience but a chance to be seen amongst the other fitness blogs.
If you’re interested in politics a political blog could be a great way to connect with like-minded folks. You could focus on your political party and its direction, new candidates, or upcoming legislation. Whatever you think your readers would want to read.
A blog covering retro or throwback topics can be very appealing to anyone who appreciates reading about nostalgic topics or someone who wants to learn about trends from back in the day. You could combine this with another sub-niche like music and start a blog about 1960s jazz.
An environmental blog could address issues like climate change and the green living movement. A blog of this type could offer you tons of ideas to write about and could help create a community around a passionate niche.
If you’re interested in writing about the rights of others, upcoming legislation, or current legal trends, a blog about the law or legal issues could be a great way to stand out from other bloggers.
A current events blog is a great way to cover lots of different topics in one blog. You could dig down for a more narrowly focused sub-niche or create a news-oriented blog that provides up-to-the-minute information.
A space blog about space would attract a very specific group of people who love all things space. You could be the one who informs your readers about new planets, meteoric events, and other space-related phenomena.
I really hope this list of blog niche ideas helps. For each niche, try adding “lovers”, ”fans”, or “enthusiasts” at the end, like sports fans, music lovers, history enthusiasts. This will give you a better feel for the type of reader you are aiming for.
If you are seriously considering a blog but want to know whether you can start a blog for free, you can!
Don’t forget to grab the free PDF with the entire list of blog niche ideas above!
Which blog niche ideas sound interesting to you? Let us know in the comments and share this post with anyone you know who may be considering a blogging business.
These 101 podcast topic ideas will give you something to talk about. You are sure to find an attentive audience with one or more of these winning topic ideas.
If you’re a blogger, chances are you’ve heard of Pinterest. Either you’ve visited the platform because you were searching for something or you’re using Pinterest as a part of your marketing strategy. Pinterest is for bloggers is what Instagram is for influencers. If you’re blogging and you haven’t yet tried Pinterest for business, keep reading because there are compelling reasons why you should.
A blog is a website or webpage that contains a collection of blog posts written on a particular topic. A website can be dedicated entirely to one blog or a website can opt to have one section of the site dedicated to its blog posts. Both are popular options. Let’s take a look at blogging for beginners and how you can start your blog for free.